Street Theatre


• A team should have at least six and no more than twelve students.
• Allotted time: The maximum time for street play should be 12 minutes. After 10 minutes, the first warning bell will sound, followed by the final warning bell after 12 minutes. There will be negative marking if teams exceed the performance time.
• Teams using any props must bring all their requirements and be ready well in advance as per the instructions of the organizer. No props or other material will be provided by the host college. Teams should remove all the props and set items if they have used any.
• The competition will be conducted on a “ground” like surface (an open place), and hence no microphones, speakers, or music systems will be allowed or available. Teams can sing or dance by themselves to create the necessary music or sound.
• The decisions of the judges will be final and binding on all teams, and no objections will be entertained.
• Teams should have decency and decorum in their behavior, attire, and performance.
• There must be no words in the Nukkad Natak script or performance that suggest discrimination or make remarks about caste, color, or gender.
• The languages that can be used are Hindi and English. A mixture of these languages is acceptable.
• Any kind of fluid, live animal, flame, heavy object, color, or other material that has the possibility of damaging the venue is strictly prohibited. If any such practise is conducted by the participants, the team will be disqualified.
• Obscenity (at the discretion of the judges) of any kind is not allowed and may lead to disqualification.