About Brush-less painting:
We have all been in awe of paintings made with well-timed and impressionable brushstrokes, but did you know that one can create the same impact with brushless painting? While it may sound unbelievable, brushless painting is slowly catching on. It’s not just because people don’t like to spend on brushes; they simply want to go beyond it. have all been in awe of paintings made with well-timed and impressionable brushstrokes, but did you know that one can create the same impact with brushless painting? While it may sound unbelievable, brushless painting is slowly catching on. It’s not just because people don’t like to spend on brushes; they simply want to go beyond it.

Rules :

1. The use of brushes is strictly prohibited.
2. Paints, fingers, a palette knife, newsprint, cloth rags, ear buds, and threadbare can all be used to create artwork. Any other supportable equipment other than a brush is permissible.
3. Digital media during painting is not allowed in the nearby vicinity.
4. Participants will be given 45 minutes, and only time-bound submissions will be considered for evaluation.
5. Drawing sheets will be provided by the host institute.
6. Students have to bring their own colors.
7. All types of colours are allowed without brushes.